OWC Envoy Pro Elektron: The Ultimate Drive For Musicians
Musicians take their drives with them and use them in a variety of locations. To make sure all your work is safe and secure, you need a solution that is small, portable, and fast. And on top of all of that, it needs to be built tough.
OWC Newsfeed • Jun 06, 2021
For musicians, your drives are your life.
You store your completed music, instrument sound packages, scratch tracks, finished vocals, recording sessions, and the various projects you are working on – all on your drives.
Musicians take their drives with them and use them in a variety of locations. From home studios and offices to out in the field, recording and collaborating with other musicians. To make sure all your work is safe and secure, you need a solution that is small, portable, and fast. And on top of all of that, it needs to be built tough.
Enter the OWC Envoy Pro Elektron – the ultimate drive for musicians!
Here are some key features of the OWC Envoy Pro Elektron.
I’m Michelle for Rocketyard.
So what makes the OWC Envoy Pro Elektron the drive for musicians on-the-go and in the studio?
Well, first of all, it’s pocket-sized! You can carry it around like you would a smartphone. But will all of your data be safe if you’re bringing this drive with you wherever you go?
Not to worry! The Elektron is crushproof, dustproof, and waterproof so it’s built for the road and the studio.
It comes in storage configurations of 240 GigaBytes, 480 GigaBytes, 1 TeraByte, and 2 TeraBytes. It can hold 10’s of 1,000s of your high-quality tracks.
And for you mobile DJs who also use visuals in your performances, this drive can hold countless high definition video files.
But what about functionality?
The Envoy Pro Elektron is an NVME SSD Drive, making it twice as fast as other portable SSDs on the market. Simply put, there is no faster way to copy your media in that small of a form factor than with the Envoy Elektron. If you are on a gig or on the go, you’ll never lose time waiting for a transfer again.
The Elektron is connected powered through the super-fast USB-C port. It’s also cross-compatible with Macs and PCs, iPads, Chromebooks – basically anything with a USB-C port. The Elektron even comes with a USB-C to USB Type-A adapter, should you need to connect to older Macs and PCs.
This is one piece of equipment that every musician should own. When it comes to speed, reliability, and portability, the OWC Envoy Pro Elektron is the perfect drive for musicians.
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