

Other World Computing first technology manufacturer/distrbutor in become 100% on-site wind powered.

100% self funded project estimated to provide more than double the energy required by operations and culminates LEED initiatives of OWC's new corporate headquarters

Oct 22, 2009 | Woodstock, IL


Other World Computing (OWC® ), a leading PC and Mac® technology company, announced today that it has become the first technology manufacturer/distributor in the U.S. to become 100% on-site wind powered by switching its daily operations energy needs over to a Vestas V39-500 kW wind turbine. Completely on-site powered, OWC can run its resource conserving LEED Platinum designed facility and internet operations datacenter 100% on this renewable, non-polluting power source.

Technology Provider Becomes An Energy Supplier
The new OWC wind turbine is projected to generate an estimated 1,250,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per year - more than double the current energy requirements of all OWC operations, including its internet operations datacenter which includes and ISP and webhosting services - and enough energy, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, to power a typical U.S. suburban subdivision annually. With peak wind conditions, the OWC wind turbine can generate more energy in a single week than what OWC's operations require for an entire month. Excess energy produced by OWC wind turbine will be sold back to the local power provider, thus making OWC a net supplier of sustainable energy to the McHenry County, IL region in addition to being a provider of award winning technology to over one million Mac, PC, and iPod users around the world.

Designed Specifically For OWC Site
As part of the overall vision unveiled in 2006 for the new OWC corporate headquarters, the OWC wind turbine installation was designed to produce power at winds speeds as low as nine mph based upon the OWC campus site conditions average wind speed of 10-15 mph. The tower is 131 feet high with the blades extending the turbine's total height to 194 feet. The blade housing can rotate 360 degrees so it can turn facing into winds up to 150 mph. During extreme winds, the blades automatically go "flat" with the narrowest point into the wind and in essence, shut the turbine down until it senses safe operational wind speeds. Whenever there isn't adequate wind power generation, the local utility company will remain as the backup power source for OWC. Additionally, in the event of a combined wind and utility company power blackout, OWC has two additional on-site backup power systems so it can continue serving its customers without interruption.

Good For The Environment & The Bottom Line
The cost to install a wind turbine of OWC's caliber is typically $1.25 million with a Return On Investment (ROI) of 100% within 10-14 years based upon a 25% front-end investment and current energy costs. The actual ROI recovery period can be reduced significantly as energy costs increase. "I made the decision to 100% self fund this project because of the conservational benefits as well as the future cost of energy," said Larry O'Connor, CEO, Other World Computing. "With the kilowatt hour rate in the Chicago market up 24.3% since 1999, it only makes sense to use technology to lower our usage and costs related to traditional power sources."

Wind Is The Crowning Jewel To LEED Program
The OWC wind turbine installation is the most recent addition to the energy efficient, resource conserving, and low environmental impact OWC facility. The building, completed in 2008 and currently in the final approval stages for the highest LEED rating of Platinum, features:
* Geo-thermal ground-coupled heat pump system
* Fiber optic rooftop light-harvesting technology
* High insulation value glass windows and exterior sunshade technology for reduced cooling costs
* High insulation value materials throughout the building for reduced energy use
* "Smart" sensors to detect and adjust energy in unused rooms
* Permeable Paver system for environmentally friendly run-off water handling
* Bio Swales landscaping for water conservation
* Use of native plants and prairie grasses for water conservation
* Sloan Waterless Urinals and dual-mode toilets for water conservation
* Sloan high-efficiency hand driers in washrooms for energy/paper savings
* High-efficiency drinking water filtration system to eliminate need for delivered water
* Company-wide recycling with near zero waste generation
* Facilities for employees to commute to work by bicycle
* Low-impact cleaning products

OWC's facility, with all of its energy saving technologies, is an ideal match for on-site wind power generation. "Our campus is designed to be vastly more efficient in resource utilization without sacrificing functionality," said Larry O'Connor Sr., OWC Logistical Manager and building/turbine project coordinator. "As we do not use natural gas or any external fuel type for our heating needs, with the wind turbine now online, OWC has become an overall net producer of energy."

For complete details and a pictorial presentation on OWC's wind turbine project, as well as a virtual tour of its LEED inspired corporate campus, visit:

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About OWC

Founded in 1988, Other World Computing (OWC), is a trusted provider of premium technology solutions tailored to enable creators and tech enthusiasts to bring their unique visions to life. The company develops high-performance end-to-end tools catering to a global community of creators at all levels of their craft, from Capture to Creation to Collaboration. The mission of extending the useful life of existing technology is a demonstration of the company's commitment to a more sustainable world. The core value of Other World Computing is to design and manufacture industry-leading products that deliver excellence and are built to last for minimal environmental impact.

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Nathan Papadopulos