OWC Jellyfish

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OWC Jellyfish Media Engine

How to Download Proxies from Your Web Browser

Select all the media files that you would like to download proxies for by holding shift as you select multiple files.

Once you have your media files selected, at the bottom right of Media Engine, the second button to the left will be download proxies. It will present you with two options.

Once you select with folders or files only you will get a job activated and a .zip file will be prepared for you by OWC Jellyfish Media Engine and Downloaded to your Downloads folder.

Once the download is complete, unzip the file and you will be presented with your proxies based on the option you chose from the download proxies menu. “ download proxies with folders” or “download proxies files only”.

Download Options Explained

  1. Download Proxies with Folders: This option will mimic your OWC Jellyfish dataset folder structure starting with mnt/Primary/”sharename”/folder name/ media files
  2. Download Proxies Files Only: This will give you a much simpler folder entitled “proxies” with all of your proxies in it.